Susan, profile photo

I am happy to report that the parking lot is 99% done! The driveway closest to the school was available this morning and I assume we will be able to drive back to the courts at all times. Students start back on Thursday so please use caution and drive slowly.

There was a great turnout this morning! I am posting a recurring Saturday game at 9AM. Thanks to Valerie for suggesting this addition!

Let’s hope good weather continues so we can play and have fun.😎

Barbara, profile photo

I'm bringing a friend with me tomorrow @ 9. She's interested in playing.

(removed member)

Hi would anyone like a game on Saturday morning? 😊

Valerie, profile photo

I just added a pop-up game for Saturday morning at 9:00. Hopefully more will join in?!? Let's enjoy the sunshine!

Marty, profile photo

So sorry I must vamoose again by 10:00 am… (But wil be there by 9:00.

Susan, profile photo

So, the parking lot is mostly paved . I think they will add another layer. For today, you could use the driveway closest to the school to drive in and park near the courts or on the field. Be careful, there is two way traffic in and out. My guess is that cars can drive in during the day since employees of the school are back at work and need access and parking spots. One of the two driveways will probably be open.

There were a few small puddles on the courts late afternoon.
Let’s hope weather cooperates for tomorrow.