Marty, profile photo

Do I hear 10:00?? (Or even 9:30…though sign-up says 10:00)

Susan, profile photo

Just a reminder. If you sign up to play on Sunday please do not sign up for BOTH sessions. We are trying to accommodate as many players as we can indoors and share time fairly.

If fewer than 6 players sign up to play at 10 you may stay past the 9-10 time slot. If you do, please allow arriving players to play first.

If the weather is not too cold or windy, outdoor games are still an option.


Great sign up schedules Susan, thank you for continually coordinating this all, hopefully as soon as my back is better, I can get a waiver to sign and start playing this season..... happy fall !!!

Susan, profile photo

Hope your back improves. We have waiver forms in the bag with the indoor net. There are some on my porch. Mike and I bring some to the courts when we play.

Hope to see you soon. You are missed…


Thanks Susan!!

Susan, profile photo

Please note that the 5PM games are now scheduled to start at 4PM. Days are getting shorter!

Susan, profile photo

Weather has been on our side for outdoor play!
In anticipation of weather changes, the outdoor morning games have been switched from 9AM to 10 AM. I have added our indoor times. (Tuesday 5-6:30, Sunday 9AM-10AM, and Sunday 10AM to 11AM) to our schedule. Only players who have signed a waiver may play indoors, and please pay your $7.50 fee.

The outdoor games will remain on the schedule.

Please respect the signup limit of 6 players per session for indoor play. Since we only have one indoor court signups are important. Please sign OUT if you cannot play for a time you have signed IN for so another player can take your place.

We seem to start off indoor play with some “bumps in the road” but things quickly settle down and we hit our stride.

Let’s Play and have Fun!


I paid the $7.50 for indoor play. The waivers were not available at that time. Where can I find one? Is it available online? Who does it get returned too?

Mike, profile photo

Susan W and I carry waivers in our bags